Daily Movement Habits | Step Count

Spring Into Daily Movement Practices | Step Count

We’re coming off of a super fun 7-day spring Pilates challenge, where many of you successfully committed to daily Pilates, even if it was only for 10 minutes a day. I love leading these challenges and reflecting on them with you all, as I find everyone excited and motivated to keep these practices going. As the days get longer and warmer, I’m challenging us to incorporate even more daily movement into our lives. Does that mean more Pilates? Not necessarily…instead, let’s find ways to move more throughout the day without having to set aside more dedicated “exercise time.” Life is busy! The idea is to make more small changes throughout the day that keep your momentum up! Whether you're aiming for more energy, improved mood, or better overall fitness, these simple yet powerful practices can make a big difference in how you feel!


First, let's talk numbers. Many healthcare professionals recommend 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day as a general guideline for maintaining health and well-being (about 3-5 miles.) Step count is something I never used to think about before working from home. In looking back at my health data on my iPhone, I was getting at least 7,500 or more steps just walking around NYC. Now that I work primarily from home, I have to be more intentional about increasing my daily movement outside of just Pilates. Aiming for 7,500 steps every day is a push, but an achievable goal I can hit every day (and feel so much better when I do.)

Why Daily Steps Matter:

  1. Committing to daily steps increases your overall movement throughout the day, which contributes to increased metabolic rate, mood boost, and diversified movement patterns.

  2. It’s low impact and easy on your joints.

Easy, Practical Tips to Increase Step Count:

  • Pick a goal number and build it into your workday. For example, 7,500 steps equates to three 30 minute walks or six 15 minute walks. Dog walkers likely get this much movement in smaller bursts!

  • If you spend time driving, park your car extra far away and build in a little extra “commute” time. If you live in a city, get off one stop early and walk yourself home.

  • You don’t need to buy any extra wearable tech! Your health app on your phone will give you a rough estimate.

  • Set timers on your phone to check in throughout the day.

  • Consistency is key! Don’t let yourself fall off if you miss a day. Remember some movement is better than none.

Step by step (if you will,) move by move, you're achieving your goals one day at a time!


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