New Years Resolutions, Let’s Make Them Last

As someone who values personal growth and reflection, I love leaning into the New Year as a time to assess, evaluate and move forward with intention. I make a practice to set 2 personal, professional and creative goals for myself and check in with my 5 and 10 year goals to make sure I’m feeling inspired and aligned at the start of the year.

That said, I also cringe at the amount of messaging this time of year to “change your body and your life,” as if one day is all it takes. As I continue to grow as a leader in the wellness world, I find myself more and more drawn to the message of balance. No change happens overnight. Instead, it happens through consistency over time. And what’s the secret to consistency? It doesn’t happen in fits and bursts that ultimately lead to burn out, friends. Instead, consistency comes from intention, patience, and sustainable effort aka balance.

So instead of setting 2024 goals that are totally alien to your lifestyle and routine, what small changes can you commit to making this month to set you up for the whole year? I’ll share some of my personal, professional, and creative goals for you here (extra accountability!):

  • Personal: My 2023 resolution was to “be less agreeable,” aka to tune inward and commit to taking care of myself as well I take care of others (even when that means letting other people down.) In 2024 I’m taking that a step further by doing a body-check before I say yes to something. Who am I saying yes for? If it’s for me, then I’m in. If I’m not saying yes for me, it’s a no for me, dawg.

  • Professional: Partner with a maternal health organization to provide pre and postpartum exercise to expectant parents. Are you someone who can help me with this?! LMK!

  • Creative: Free-write for 15 minutes every morning.

Let’s keep growing together in 2024, and focusing on sustainable mental and physical goals that last longer than just January! If you all need support creating healthy movement habits that last, join the January Refresh I’m leading from January 8-31st! The commitment is one class a day for 23 days. You have 3 classes to choose from every day varying in length and intensity so you know you can get it done and create a movement habit that will sustain you all year long!

Join the January Refresh!


2024 Tunes for Feb


Roasted Chickpea Snack