Inside Mama Moves - The Pilates With Abs Pre/Postnatal Program

What is Mama Moves

I started Mama Moves, the pre/postnatal class and group during Summer of 2020 when many friends and clients were navigating their movement journey in the isolation of Covid lockdowns. From the many questions I received about how to safely challenge pre/postnatal bodies and from the desire I heard connect with other moms and moms-to-be, group was born! 

*I will also use this as a time to share that I use Mama as an inclusive term applying to anyone who identifies as the person carrying or assuming the physical changes related to bringing a child into the world.

Why a Pre/Postnatal-Specific Group: 

There is so much information and misinformation out there about pre/postnatal exercise and it can be confusing to know where to start or who to trust. I care about leading safe and challenging movements for all bodies, and I know that leading classes with an emphasis on education is the best way to empower mamas through their journey. In every movement I share WHAT your body is going through at every stage, WHY you may need to make different choices, and WHAT those choices are, so you can feel more confident that you are moving in ways that make you feel appropriately challenged, while also best preparing yourself for delivery and recovery.

Goals of the Program:

  • Create a safe and challenging weekly movement practice that you can progress through at any stage in your pre/postnatal journey

  • Create community and a network of moving mamas and parents-to-be

  • Empower you to move confidently through weekly live classes, Q&A sessions and monthly private instruction that incorporate my training in pre/postnatal exercise and anatomy.

Results of the Program 

Pilates works! One client of mine just said: "My OB commented on how strong my pelvic floor muscles were for pushing and asked if I did Pilates. She was impressed!"

Whether you need core support, diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, have questions about what the pelvic floor even is, or want to know why you shouldn't be doing crunches to help your abs, I'll guide you through understanding WHY we are or aren't doing certain moves and how thoughtful movement can help prepare are repair your muscles, and connect you with a pelvic floor PT or other doctors if you need more support.

Start Here

If you are pregnant or newly postpartum (1 year), you absolutely will benefit from incorporating elements of Pilates (deep core, breath and stretching into your routine) but that doesn’t mean it has to be easy! It just has to be specific and nuanced. Read more about what is going on with your body and why Pilates is here to help by clicking here.

Whether you need core support, diastasis recti, pelvic floor strength, have questions about what the pelvic floor even is, or want to know why you shouldn't be doing crunches to help your abs, I'll guide you through understanding WHY we are or aren't doing certain moves and how thoughtful movement can help prepare are repair your muscles, and connect you with a pelvic floor PT or other doctors if you need more support.

How to Sign Up

  • Click the link below for more info on pricing and to join the Pilates With Abs Pre/Postnatal group. Your first 7 days of the pre and postnatal on demand course are free to try! Contact me with any questions. I look forward to meeting you!


For August


Movement Do’s and Don’ts for Pre/Postpartum Parents