
I’m all about using movement as a way in to build connection and self-love with your body! Every single time, you roll out your mat, you’re giving yourself the gift of movement: building strength, flexibility, awareness and a chance to restore your mind/body connection.

Sometimes, we need a little more help with the mind part of the mind/body connection. For me, adding a daily journaling practice has been a huge support to my daily movement practice. I’ve been journaling daily for the last 6 years on and it’s been one of the best practices for me to support myself and my continued growth as a human, mover, and leader in this space.

After trying to journal consistently for years unsuccessfully, I read a book that helped me implement a few small tweaks that finally kept me consistent. When I was transitioning out of performing and into full-time teaching, I read The Artists Way, a workbook with exercises to help connect with your inner artist, with the idea that everyone has a creative voice that needs fostering, even if making art isn’t your career. Writing Morning Pages was an exercise from this book and has become my daily journaling practice. Morning Pages are: a 15-minute brain drain journaling practice you do first thing in the morning that clears your top levels thoughts and makes room for your brain to play with your more subconscious thoughts throughout the day. You never go back to read your morning pages and they don’t have to be coherent or make sense. It’s simply a practice of naming then clearing anxieties that arise and leaving them there on the pages.

By taking the pressure out of needing my journaling to be prolific, I’ve been able to stay consistent. When I am in a consistent practice, I notice a greater ease with myself and my mind/body connection. Curious to learn more about the Artist’s Way? Book linked here. Let’s talk about it!  


2024 Tunes for March in the City
